Prepare Your Keywords For Google Adwords Pay-Per-Click Advertising

If you regularly use Google Adwords or a similar pay-per-click advertising medium, RAGE SEKeyword has the tools you need. It can automatically turn your keyword phrases into exact matches, phrase matches or negative keywords at the click of a button. RAGE SEKeyword also includes a number of other keyword tools that will help you quickly add certain terms to the beginning or end of your keyword phrases.

Suppose you have a list of keywords all relevant to your web products or service. However, your product is only compatible with Mac OS X. RAGE SEKeyword can automatically add the term 'mac os x' to your list of keywords using its powerful built in keyword tools. It doesn't stop there! It can also remove certain terms within each keyword or quickly locate specific keywords for removal.

Prepare Your Keywords For Google Adwords Pay-Per-Click Advertising

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Prepare Your Keywords For Google Adwords Pay-Per-Click Advertising

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