Add Video or Audio Content to Your EverWeb Blog Posts

March 20th, 2023

If you have been keeping up with our blog posts you will know that we have released three inline updates to EverWeb since version 3.9. Inline releases are usually released for stability and maintenance purposes only, but with EverWeb 3.9.1, 3.9.2 and 3.9.5 we also managed to add in some nice minor new features to make designing your website even easier.

One of the new features that we added to EverWeb is the ability to easily add video or audio files to your blog posts. This was a much requested feature from our user community and will save you both time and effort. The new feature also means that you do not need to have to do any coding to be able to add videos or audio to your blog posts. The new feature debuted with the release of EverWeb version 3.9.1.

Adding Video or Audio Files In To Your Blog Posts

Here is a step by step guide to adding video or audio to your blog posts. If you prefer a video walkthrough of this feature, just click on the video link at the top of this post.

  1. Start by adding the video, or audio, file(s) that you want to use in your blog post in to your EverWeb Project if you have not done so already.
  2. Open your Project file if it is not already open, then click on the ‘Assets’ tab.
  3. With the Assets List now visible, drag and drop your video or audio files on top of the assets. EverWeb will add the files to the Assets List as ‘External’ files at the bottom of the Assets List.
  4. Next right, or secondary click on the video or audio file you have just added. A menu will appear.
  5. Choose the option ‘Copy Relative File Path’. This will copy the path to your operating system’s clipboard.
  6. After copying the path to the clipboard, go to the ‘Posts’ page in your blog.
  7. In the Blog Posts List, select the post that you want to add the video or audio file to.
  8. Move the cursor to where you want to insert your video or audio file.
  9. Next click on the Video button in the Blog Post Editor Toolbar. Use this button to add either video or audio files.
  10. Paste in the ‘Relative File Path’ from the Clipboard. Click on ‘Insert’ to finish.

Once you have added your video, or audio, files to the Assets List they will be available for use throughout your project. You do not need to add the files more than once to the Assets List. Your video and audio files can then be used on regular pages in your Project file using e.g. the Video, FlexBox or Audio widget. If you did add the same video or audio files more than once to the Assets List, this will just increase the Project file’s size which may slow down loading and editing of your Project.

If you have any questions or comments about this post, or anything about EverWeb, please let us know in the Comments Section below.

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