Customer Testimonials & Awards

"I like its design ... it makes it easy to learn HTML...cleanly, without drag and drop mess that some editors can make.. It's pretty close to being a word processor. I am completely impressed by the number of features. One thing I miss however, is not being able to see the page being built as I make edits directly into the Dreamweaver does.... then again, it's much, much less expensive than Dreamweaver with some incredibly impressive features. I'm buying it. " Reviewer
"Simple, quick and does wat its says without getting in the way :) now i dont have to launch imageready or dreamweaver everytime i want to create a quick imagemap... worth it just for that! Was worried about it working with rapidweaver or bbedit but seems you can very easily just open the generated html files and edit them manually." Reviewer
iWeb SEO Tool:
"I was looking for a method to get my meta-tags right for my website. So customers can find me quicker using Google, Yahoo, Bing, etc. A friend gave me the SEO Tool link and in a very easy way i updated my iWeb website with meta-tags, title, content tags etc. After that I also learned to get my URL in the best possible way. I am very happy with the SEO Tool software. Thank you very much for making it possible to keep my website tot the best possible standards!"
Rika Looij
Customer Review
"With the increasing popularity of design-driven HTML packages such as Dreamweaver, it's easy to forget that the cleanest way to build Web pages is still to hand code...Even hardcore BBedit evangelists should install it and explorer its features which include syntax colouring, attribute editor, site management, line numbers and a built-in FTP client,"
MacUser Magazine
Macworld Gem 4 stars Macnn 4.5 Stars CNET 5 Stars Apple Staff Pick Softonic Rating

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