EverWeb and the Ending of Google+
March 24th, 2019
If you are a Google+ user, you should already have been notified by Google that its social media platform, Google+, will be shutting down imminently.
If you have any data in Google+ that you want to keep, Google advises that you should download and save it by March 31st, 2019. The shuttering of Google+ will commence as of April 2nd 2019.
Google has already taken steps to wind up its social media service as you can no longer create new Google+ profiles, pages, communities or events. Google+ comments have also been removed. After April 2nd, Google will begin to remove content from Google+ which will take time to complete, so if you have content, it may still be there for a while.
Any sites that use Google+ buttons for login purposes will also cease to function over the coming weeks. In some instances, the Google+ button will be replaced with an ordinary Google button instead.
If your EverWeb created website includes any Google+ widgets, buttons or other links, now is a good time to remove them and republish your website. If you have deeply integrated into Google+, you have probably found alternatives and informed your Google+ community already. EverWeb’s Responsive Image Gallery widget
It is, of course, recommended that you no longer use the Google+ widget or button in your website. Also remember that it is only Google+ that is going away so your regular Google account will not be affected. G Suite users will also have new and updated options.
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