Exploring the EverWeb Client Area

July 25th, 2022

When you purchase EverWeb, as part of the purchasing process, you create your EverWeb client account for the type of product you have purchased – EverWeb+Hosting or EverWeb Standalone if you use your own hosting. Your account is set up in what we refer to as your ‘EverWeb Client Area’.

Why Do I Need An EverWeb Account?

Once you have setup your EverWeb customer account and purchased EverWeb, you need to enter the same account email address and password in EverWeb itself. To do this, log in to EverWeb, then enter your login details using the EverWeb-> Preferences-> Account menu option. Once you have entered in your account email address and password, check the box Add to Keychain so you do not need to login again. Under your login details, you will then see the products and services that you have purchased and their ‘Next Due Date’.

It is important to login in EverWeb itself because without these details you will not be able to publish your website to the Internet! The other important reason for having an EverWeb account is that it enables you to do some behind the scenes administration tasks if you need to. In this post, we will be giving you an overview of some of these features!

Logging In To Your EverWeb Client Area

There are a few ways in which you can log in to your EverWeb Client Area.

  1. Using your browser. In your browser go to the following URL: https://billing.ragesw.com/clientarea.php. Enter your EverWeb account email and password to login to your EverWeb Client Area.
  2. In EverWeb go to the File-> Edit Publishing Settings menu option, then click on the ‘Manage Account’ button in the bottom right hand corner.
  3. Again in EverWeb, use the EverWeb-> Preferences-> Account menu option and again click on the Manage Account button in the right hand corner under your product details.

EverWeb Client Area Features

Your EverWeb Client Area is probably a part of EverWeb’s eco-system that you will not use very often but it is worth knowing what it does offer you. Below is a list of some of the Client Area’s main features:

  1. Support Ticket logging and tracking.
  2. Purchased Product and Renewal notifications.
  3. Account Administration.
  4. Email Administration (EverWeb+Hosting only).
  5. Contact Forms Enhanced Addon Administration (if purchased).
  6. Website Metrics (EverWeb+Hosting only).
  7. Webmail Access (EverWeb+Hosting only).
  8. Domain Services.
  9. Access to the EverWeb Discussion Forum.
  10. Available Product Downloads.
  11. EverWeb Knowledgebase.

The Client Area Dashboard

Once you have logged in to your Client Area, you will see a dashboard of your main customer details and purchases. If you click on any one of the dashboard boxes – Services, Domains, Tickets or Invoices – you will be taken to the relevant page for that feature.

Client Area features can also be listed down the left hand side of the page you are currently on so, for example, on the dashboard page your own Client information is displayed so that you can edit and update it easily if you need to. You will also see on this screen your Client Area account contacts, shortcuts etc. In addition if you have purchased EverWeb’s Contact Forms Enhanced Addon you will have access to your Contact Forms Submissions from this screen.

The options in the left hand side of each page of the Client Area are context sensitive so that you will always see only the options that are relevant to what you are doing at the time.

Quick Client Area Tools and Tips!

There are lots of options to explore in the Client Area, but here are some of the typically most popular things that you may want to do…

  • Log a Support Ticket: Just click on the ‘Open Ticket’ menubar option. To quickly check the status of any existing just click on the Tickets dashboard button.
  • Using the EverWeb Knowedgebase: There is a wealth of information in EverWeb’s knowledgebase. Just click on the Support-> Knowledgebase menu option and enter your question in the search box.
  • When are my products an services renewing? You can quickly find out when your EverWeb products or services are going to renew just by clicking on the Services dashboard button.
  • When is my domain going to renew? In this case, just click on the Domains dashboard button to see your domain history and when any active domain will be up for renewal.
  • How do I gedownload my version of EverWeb? If you ever need to redownload the latest version of EverWeb you purchased you can do so easily via the Support-> Downloads menu option.

All the Options You Need…

In this post we have given you a top level view of EverWeb’s Client Area. There are a lot of features that we have only mentioned briefly or have not covered at all. If you take the time to explore the menu options in the Client Area you will find a wealth of configuration options. Some of these are quite technical so our advise is not to change anything unless you are 100% knowledgeable about what you are doing. If not, you can always ask out Support Team who will happy to help and guide you as needed.

Please let us know if you have any questions on the EverWeb Client Area, we are here to help!

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