Introducing the ALL NEW EverWeb Membership Sites: Monetize Your Website Today!

October 12th, 2023
EverWeb Membership Sites

There are plenty of new and updated features to talk about in the recently released EverWeb 4.0, including our all new EverWeb Membership Sites feature. You can now create a membership or subscription site helping you monetize your website!

Membership Sites is fully featured and any EverWeb user, either on Windows or Mac, can start to build their own membership site today. Here are the main features that you need to know about…

EverWeb Membership Sites Plans

You can easily purchase, or use the free version of EverWeb Membership Sites from your EverWeb Client Area. Once logged in to your Client Area, click on the Services menu option, then select Available Add-ons. From here you can choose which Membership Sites package is best for you. There are three plans avaialable:

  • Membership Starter allows anyone to add a robust membership or subscription section to their website.
  • Membership Plus adds to the Membership Starter plan with free membership levels, free trials, mass membership emailing and more.
  • Membership Deluxe adds to Membership Plus with unlimited members and a super low transaction fee.

You can find detailed information about each Membership Sites plan at by checking out the EverWeb Membership Sites plans page in your EverWeb Client Area.

After choosing the plan that suits your needs, click on the ‘Next’ button to proceed to the Checkout to complete your purchase.

Once you have purchased, or signed up to the free level of EverWeb Membership Sites, we recommend that you quit and re-launch EverWeb if it is open.

If you have more than one website, you can also purchase additional Membership Sites using the same process as described above.

EverWeb Membership Sites Features

There are two main components of EverWeb Membership Sites: The frontend being EverWeb itself. This is where you will create your Membership Sites pages. The backend is your EverWeb Client Area where you setup, manage and administer your Membership Site and its membership.

EverWeb Membership Sites: Client Area Features

In your EverWeb Client Area, you use the sections on the left hand side of the Membership Sites section to setup your Membership Site’s details. These sections include the Membership Sites Setup page where you define basic information such as the name of the Membership Site Administrator, the website your Membership Site is attached to, the date and time formats to be used, the timezone you are working in, and the language that you want any errors displayed in. You can also define the kind of notifications that you want to receive from the Membership Site so you easily can keep track of membership signups, payments and cancellations.

The Membership Levels section defines your paid for, free, and trial Membership Levels. The type of level available to you will depend on the Membership Sites plan that you signed up for.

Use the Memberships section to administer your membership. For example, you can add members manually, suspend members, set individual members to pending, cancel a member’s membership or delete the membership account. The Members section is also where the member’s address, contact and VAT details are held. In addition, use this section to administer a member’s active coupons and login authorisation codes.

The next section, E-Mail Templates, is where you can customize a variety of default E-Mail Templates to personalize your communication to your membership.

The Coupons section allows you to define coupons, or discounts, that you want to offer your membership. There are a number of customization options available so that your coupons can be as flexible as you need them to be.

These are the main areas of the Client Area that you will initially be focusing on. Other setup options are available and these will be covered in more detail in a future blog post.

EverWeb Membership Sites: EverWeb Features

Once you have completed your Membership Sites Client Area setup, it is time to focus on building your Membership Site within EverWeb itself.

You can create your membership site in an existing EverWeb Project file, or in a new Project file if you prefer. If you choose the latter option, remember that the membership site might need linking back to your main Project file. If creating your membership site within an existing EverWeb Project file, we recommend that you create a subdirectory for your membership site.

When you sign up for EverWeb Membership Sites you will be able to download a powerful set of widgets, specifically for use with Membership Sites. The widgets are straightforward and easy to use and help guide you through developing all the pages you need to create a successful membership site. The Membership Sites widgets will help you create the following pages in EverWeb:

  • A Membership Sites Login Page
  • A Sign Up Page
  • A Payment Page
  • A Membership Profile Page
  • A Change Password Page and an
  • Email Verification Page

In addition, there is also a Sign Out button widget that can be used on pages of your membership site to allow visitors to quickly and easily sign out.

Once you have created the pages of your membership site, you will want to password protect certain pages to restrict access to your content according to the Membership Levels you have created in your EverWeb Client Area. For example, you will probably want to give access to “free” page content to all members, whilst restricting access to “paid for” content pages to certain Membership Levels you have set up in the Client Area.

You can set up page access restrictions from the Page Settings tab in the Inspector Window. Go to the Password Protection section, then use the Memberships button to password protect the current page’s content.

EverWeb Membership Sites provides an easy way to quickly and easily set up your own membership site. We will have more video tutorials and blog posts about Membership Sites in the near future, but if you have a question about Membership Sites, EverWeb 4.0, or anything else EverWeb, please let us know in the Comments Section below.

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