Archive for the 'Apple' Category

EverWeb, macOS Big Sur and Apple Silicon [UPDATED]

Thursday, January 21st, 2021

[UPDATE] Good News EverWebers! Our next release, EverWeb 3.5, will be a universal binary so will run natively on both Apple Silicon and Intel Mac’s. EverWeb 3.5 is currently in beta test, so we hope to have the public release version in the near future for you!

For Apple, 2020 was the year that the company broke with chip provider Intel with the introduction of Apple Silicon and the new M1 microprocessor chip in the 13″ MacBook Air, 13″MacBook Pro and the Mac Mini.

What impact does the move to Apple Silicon, and the introduction of macOS Big Sur, have on EverWeb? Find out below…

It’s Not The First Time…

This is not the first time that Apple has changed microchip providers for its hardware. It is actually the third time that Apple has changed the Central Processing Unit (CPU) architecture of its hardware. In 2005, Apple announced it was transitioning its hardware from PowerPC to Intel and before that, in 1996, it transitioned from the Motorola 68000 platform to the PowerPC platform.

Any change in the microprocessor architecture means that the Operating System software, and the applications that the OS runs, will also need to be reconfigured in order to be compatible with the new, underlying, hardware.

Why the Need for Change?

For Apple the reasons for transitioning to the new Apple Silicon architecture are clear. Its laptop, desktop and server offerings can leverage from the the same basic architecture that is found in iPhones and iPads. This makes integration and synergy between iOS an macOS a lot easier and seamless. The second reason is that Apple now has more end to end control, making both hardware and software more efficient in the process. We can already see this in the computational and speed improvements in the new M1 chip which takes CPU architecture to the next level of development. There is also the benefit of cost savings for Apple due to economies of scale as now its hardware uses the same basic CPUs in all its products. Lastly, the delay of new processors from Intel over the last few years has caused product delays for Apple, and Intel now lags behind its more agile competitors in the market.

Intel, Apple Silicon and macOS Big Sur

Apple has set itself the goal for the transition from Intel to Apple Silicon to be within two years. This is the same time frame as the switch from PowerPC to Intel. It is reassuring to know that this transition is achievable and should be relatively painless given Apple’s past experience of doing this.

The stage for the hardware transition has already been set with the introduction three Apple Silicon computers and the introduction of macOS Big Sur which runs on both Intel and on Apple Silicon architectures. In addition, macOS Big Sur now starts to take design cues from iOS and iPadOS again, helping Apple to further integrate their product ecosystem.

The two year product transition gives Apple time to update all its hardware to use Apple Silicon and gives software vendors time to repurpose their apps to be Apple Silicon compatible.

EverWeb 3.4 is fully compatible with macOS Big Sur on Intel machines. So what about compatibility with Apple Silicon? To understand how EverWeb works under Apple Silicon, let’s start with a bit of transition history…

Enter Rosetta and Rosetta 2

When Apple transitioned from PowerPC to Intel chips, it introduced a program called Rosetta. This program acted as a ‘Compatibility Box’ enabling apps designed for the old PowerPC architecture to run on the new Intel architecture.

Rosetta was very much a success for Apple, so it has leveraged this success and experience for the transition from Intel to Apple Silicon with the introduction of Rosetta 2. If you use EverWeb on an Apple Silicon computer, it will work through Rosetta 2 which will automatically ‘translate’ EverWeb from Intel to Apple Silicon. You probably will not even notice any difference using EverWeb under Apple Silicon as Apple years of experience in optimizing Rosetta make it work smoothly for most apps that need translating.

After installing EverWeb on your Apple Silicon based computer, when you first run the app, you may be asked to install Rosetta in order for EverWeb to run. If you have previously installed Rosetta on your computer, you will not see this message and EverWeb should launch as usual.

EverWeb as a Universal App

In summary:

  • EverWeb 3.4 and higher is fully compatible with Mac OS X 10.10 Yosemite thru to macOS 11 Big Sur.
  • EverWeb 3.4 and higher will run on Apple Silicon computers through Rosetta 2* running on macOS 11 Big Sur.
  • EverWeb 3.1 is available if you are running Mac OS X 10.7 – 10.9.
  • EverWeb 2.5.2 is available if you are running Mac OS X 10.6.

* In the future we will be releasing EverWeb as a Universal app. This means that EverWeb will support both Apple Silicon and Intel processors, using Apple Silicon as the default. As such, EverWeb will then run natively on Apple Silicon without the need to use Rosetta.

We will, of course, keep the EverWeb community reprised as to our progress in making EverWeb a Universal App.

If you have any questions about this article, please let us know in the Comments Section below. We’re here to help!

EverWeb on Social Media

You can also find EverWeb on the following social media platforms:






Adding Apple Podcasts To Your Website in EverWeb

Thursday, December 10th, 2020

When using Apple’s Podcast’s app on iPhone, iPad or on your Mac (or via iTunes depending on your macOS version) you can search, listen and download thousands of podcasts. If you want you can add these such podcasts from the Apple Podcast app in to your own website!

Finding The Podcast You Want

The resource to use to find the podcast you want to use is Apple’s Marketing Tools website. This website contains a number of different marketing resources for a variety of Apple’s services such as News, Apple TV, the App Store and so on.

Click on Apple Podcast Toolbox to access the Podcast Marketing Tools Portal.

To start, enter the name of the podcast that you want to embed in your website. This could be, for example, a specific podcast name or just the name of the podcaster.

In this example, I want to embed a podcast about the iPhone 12 that I recently listened to from the Apple Insider website. In this case, I just enter Apple Insider in the search box and press Enter.

In the results I can see Podcasts and Podcast Episodes. ‘Podcasts’ are like categories. Apple Insider has three categories. Each category will, therefore, contain Podcast Episodes. I can filter the search results by Type of Podcast and by country if I want to but in my example it is not necessary to do so.

As I want to find a podcast episode about Apple’s iPhone 12 I start by clicking on Apple Insider’s general Podcast category. On the next screen is a list of Podcast Episodes. Once I have located the podcast episode that I want, I just double click on its title. If you do not see the podcast you want, expand the section by clicking on ‘Show More Episodes’.

Podcast Embedding Options

You will now be on the Podcast Episode page which contains a number of different sections. For our purposes, we are interested in three sections: Content Link, Podcast Player and Short Link. We will look at each of these options and how to add each of them in to your EverWeb made website project.

Content Link

A Content Link is the hyperlink to the podcast episode you have elected. The link is the full URL All you need to do in the instance is to copy the Content Link to the Clipboard using the ‘Copy Link’ button.

Once you have copied the link, go to the place in your EverWeb Website where you want to add the link. For example, you could attach the link to a piece of text, an image, or a button. In this example, I am going to attach the link to a piece of text in my page. 

Highlight the Text that you want to use, then go to the Hyperlinks Inspector.  Click on the box to the left of text ‘Enable as hyperlink’ to enable the settings. Next, click in the ‘Link To’ field and select ‘An External Page’. If you would like the podcast to open in a new page when your visitor clicks on the link text, select ‘Open in new window’ as the Behavior. The last step is to click in the ‘URL’ field and paste in the link to podcast from the Clipboard.

You can customize the link formatting using the Hyperlink Formatting section. Once you have finished your customizations, use Preview from the Toolbar to test the link.

Short Link

To use a podcast episode Short Link in your website, start by clicking on the ‘Generate Link’ button in the Short Link section of the Podcast Episode page. When the link has been generated, you will see it displayed on screen. Use the ‘Copy Link’ button to copy the Short Link to the Clipboard. 

Next, follow the instructions from the Content Link section above to add the Short Link in to your EverWeb made website project, then test the link using Preview.

Short Link is sometimes used if it is not possible to paste long links in to your site. This is not a limitation in EverWeb so you can use either option. There may in fact be valid situations where you may want to use a Short Link to mask the full address. 

The advantage of using Content Link over Short Link is that the Content Link generally tells you the name of the podcast episode whereas the Short Link is only a randomly generated link name.

Podcast Player

The last option for embedding podcast episodes in to your website is by using the Podcast Player option. Use this option when you want to embed Apple’s Podcast player in to your website. The Podcast Player can be customized to have a light or dark background, and the player can be specifically sized if required. Additionally, the player has a ‘See more’ option so that visitors can explore more podcast episodes from the podcaster.

To use the Podcast Player, simply click on the ‘Copy Embed’ button to copy the embed code to the Clipboard. Next, go to the page in your EverWeb project file where. you want the player to be embedded. 

In this instance you will need to use EverWebs HTML Snippet widget, so go to the Widgets tab and drag and drop the widget on to the page.

Click inside the HTML Code Box and paste in the Embed Code from the Clipboard. Click ‘Apply’ to finish. If you do not click on Apply, the code will not be saved in the Code Box.

You will not see any change in the Editor Window once the code has been applied, so use Preview to test that the embed code works correctly before publishing your site. Using Preview in this instance is also useful as you can see if the Podcast Player is positioned correctly on your page.

Adding podcasts from Apple’s Podcast repository is easy and has the flexibility for you to add them to your website in exactly the way in which you want them displayed. For a video walkthrough of this EverWeb feature, just click on the image at the top of this page!

EverWeb on Social Media

You can also find EverWeb on the following social media platforms:






EverWeb News Roundup!

Tuesday, July 16th, 2019

It’s been a busy first half of 2019 as there is always a lot going on with EverWeb. We thought we would bring you a round up of the latest EverWeb news all in one place!

The Latest News On EverWeb 3.0

The most current version of EverWeb is 2.9.1 was released back in February. Development of EverWeb version 3.0 is well underway and we hope to have a public beta available within the next few weeks, followed by the official EverWeb 3.0 release soon after if all goes to plan with the beta. Why so long between releases? Well, EverWeb 3.0 packs an amazing amount of new and improved features, such as Contact Form Enhanced add-on, improved asset management, reCaptcha in Contact Forms, blog pagination, lots of improvements to widgets as well as the usual maintenance and bug fixes. We hope to preview more new EverWeb 3.0 features soon, so stay up to date by checking the Announcement Section of the EverWeb Discussion Forum!

EverWeb & macOS Catalina

Apple’s World Wide Developers Conference took place in June 2019 with the usual news of the upcoming features for all of Apple’s software platforms. In respect to macOS, the new 10.15 version, Catalina, was announced. This release is now in its developer and public beta testing phase with a scheduled release this fall. One important feature of the upcoming release is that it adds more security to the OS which means that these changes have to be integrated in to apps such as EverWeb. If you are trialling the beta version of MacOS Catalina, the current version of EverWeb, 2.9.1, will not run. The same will also probably be true of EverWeb 3.0 when it released in the next few weeks. [UPDATED] However, when released, EverWeb 3.0 will support MacOS Catalina when the new operating system debuts.

EverWeb Third Party Website Resources

There are some new EverWeb related third party websites live for you to enjoy. The first is which focuses on the needs of photographers. The website is currently offering two new, free widgets which are currently in beta test. The first is the Categories Image Gallery widget which lets you group photos in to categories e.g. you could have gallery containing black and white photos in one category, color photos in another category and and ‘All’ category that contains both black and white and color photos. The second widget is an Image Carousel, which is just that, a carousel of photos that you define. You can add change the speed of the carousel and the number of images you want to scroll at each turn of the carousel. If you have any feedback on these widgets, just use the Contact form in the About menu of the website.

EverWeb PowerUp is a site that focuses on Theme Templates offering a number of free, and for purchase, theme templates. There are also widgets available including a dropdown menu widget, a cookie consent widget and an image compare widget like those you sometimes see on news websites.

For more theme templates, Everything EverWeb has a variety of contemporary themes available to purchase. There’s also a quick guide to blogging in EverWeb which is available through the Apple Book Store.

And last, but not least, Roddy at EverWeb Widgets continues to be the foremost and prolific provider of third party widgets for EverWeb. Roddy’s just released a Toolbar widget to help solve the problem of converting your fixed width website to a responsive layout then wondering what to do with the icons for email, phone and social media links?

Updated YouTube Videos and Udemy Course

We are currently updating some of our older YouTube videos replacing those featuring EverWeb’s user interface from before EverWeb 1.7 with the UI of the current EverWeb release. This also gives us the opportunity of expanding the videos to include EverWeb’s newer or improved features at the same time.

If you have a Udemy account, you can also access our EverWeb Website Builder course absolutely free. The 33 video course is also being updated at the moment to replace older content with contemporary content and improved descriptions. We hope to be adding new courses in the future!

You may have also noticed that our video’s Video Poster Images (i.e. the title card) have either a black or blue background. A black background is used for videos about responsive website design features and tutorials whilst the blue background is used for all other subjects in EverWeb.

We’re really looking forward to bringing you EverWeb 3.0 in the near future and lots of new and exciting features in the second half of the year. If there is anything you would like to see in EverWeb, or if you have any comments, please feel free to let us know in the Comments Section below!

EverWeb on Social Media

You can also find EverWeb on the following social media platforms:




Twitter handle @ragesw

32 Bit Apps Such as iWeb Not Supported in Apple’s Next Generation macOS!

Thursday, May 23rd, 2019

During the month of May, there is always press speculation about what the future holds for Apple’s major operating systems: iOS, watchOS, tvOS and, of course, macOS. This year is no exception, but one thing is sure… support for 32 bit applications in Apple’s macOS operating system will end with the release of Apple’s new 2019 software for desktop and laptop computers.

The end of 32 bit support has been flagged since June 2018. Last year’s Apple World Wide Developer Conference announced that with macOS Mojave (10.14) there would be warnings when launching 32 bit apps they should be converted to 64-Bit ASAP as they would not be supported in Apple’s 2019 macOS release.

One year later and we’re almost at the next WWDC and the next macOS will then be only a few months away.

If you are still using iWeb, this should give you pause for thought especially if you plan to buy a new Mac with a new OS on it in the near future! Now may be the time to switch from iWeb but will it be easy to do so? With EverWeb, we think it’s really easy! Here’s why…

Why Go From iWeb to EverWeb?

  • Both iWeb and EverWeb are drag and drop website builders for the Mac.
  • iWeb and EverWeb have similar User Interfaces making the learning curve a lot quicker when moving from one to the other. You’ll get up to speed in EverWeb in next to no time.
  • Both products support blogging. You can easily import your iWeb blog in to EverWeb with just a few mouse clicks.
  • You can host with your own provider or with EverWeb which gives you extra benefits built directly in to the product such as password protection, 404 page not found, 301 page redirects and regular product updates throughout the year
  • EverWeb fulfils the promise of iWeb with responsive web design, template pages, 100’s of free themes, in product SEO for better Search Page Results Rankings, animation effects, PayPal e-commerce built in, in product website project backups, fast, one-click publishing and much, much more.
  • EverWeb always keeps up to date with technology, so there is always something new to enjoy with every product update which usually happens every couple of months.
  • You will no longer have problems with iWeb crashing or other associated issues that hinder you working. EverWeb has been a 64 bit product for over a year and our regular product releases throughout the year always include stability and maintenance fixes.
  • EverWeb comes with 7×24 support 365 days a year if you have a valid user licence. There’s also the EverWeb community where you can ask questions, suggest features that you would like added to the product, try out the latest beta test versions of EverWeb and see what’s available from EverWeb’s third party providers.
  • Check out EverWeb’s blog (yes you’re here!) and also our YouTube channel that’s packed width videos about every aspect of EverWeb.
  • EverWeb is not a subscription service so you alway keep the product that you initially purchased if you do not want to renew after the first year. You keep the product and any website you have built.
  • And last but not least, EverWeb is now in its sixth year and we continue to grow and innovate! We’re committed to delivering the best we can offer to our community.

EverWeb Addon Products

EverWeb can be purchased as a standalone product if you have your own hosting provider, or with EverWeb+Hosting Lite and Hosting Pro options to suit all needs. There are also additional products that you can add to your purchase such as Site Shield Addon for HTTPS Secure websites.

Third party widgets and theme template add-ons are also available if you cannot find exactly what you need out of the box!

Making The Switch Even Easier

EverWeb Professional Services are also available so that if you do not want to recreate your iWeb website yourself in EverWeb, we can do it for you! If you want us to design a brand new website for you we can do that as well with a number of flexible options available.

You can find out more about EverWeb directly from the EverWeb website. Why not download EverWeb today? The download is the full product with the only restriction being that you cannot publish your website either locally or to the Internet unless you purchase the product.

If you have any questions relating to iWeb and EverWeb, please let us know in the Comments Section below.

EverWeb on Social Media

You can also find EverWeb on the following social media platforms:




Twitter handle @ragesw

Introducing EverWeb version 2.8 with Responsive Web Design!

Thursday, November 15th, 2018

What's new in version 2.8

We’re thrilled to announce the immediate availability of EverWeb version 2.8 featuring all new, fully integrated, Responsive Website Design. EverWeb’s new responsive website building features are designed so that you can build either a responsive or traditional style website using the same User Interface, the same widgets and the same features as you have always done.

And that’s not all, as EverWeb comes with 50+ new and enhanced features in version 2.8 including Widget Organisation, Draft mode for Blog Posts, responsive blogs, improved Theme Template Chooser and much, much more. A detailed list of EverWeb version 2.8’s new and improved features as well as maintenance and stability enhancements can be found below.


EverWeb version 2.8 is available in two versions:

  • OS X 10.7 – 10.8 (32-Bit):  Lion, Mountain Lion
  • OS X/macOS 10.9 and higher (64-Bit): Mavericks, Yosemite, El Capitan,  Sierra, High Sierra, Mojave

If you are running OS X 10.6, EverWeb version 2.5.2 is available for you.


When updating to EverWeb version 2.8, the update process will automatically download the correct version of EverWeb for your macOS.


EverWeb version 2.8 Includes…


[NEW] All NEW Responsive Website Design built directly in to EverWeb

[NEW] Responsive Page Layout option in Page Settings enables responsive website design in EverWeb

[NEW] Responsive Row widget for Responsive Web Design in EverWeb

[NEW] Text Section widget for combining images, text and buttons in one highly customizable widget

[NEW] Responsive Image Gallery Widget

[NEW] FlexBox Responsive Widget

[NEW] Many widgets have been optimized for use in Full Width and Responsive page layouts

[NEW] Blogging environment optimized for Responsive Website Design

[NEW] Left and right margin settings for Full Width and Responsive objects in the Metrics Inspector

[NEW] ‘Embed In’ option to embed objects directly into the Responsive Row Widget when object is secondary clicked upon

[NEW] Responsive Blank Theme Template

[NEW] New Responsive Theme Templates have been added

[NEW] New Full Width Theme Templates have been added

[NEW] Theme Templates can be filtered to display either Fixed Width, Responsive, New or All Theme Templates

[NEW] Completely revised and redesigned EverWeb User Manual including a new Responsive Design chapter

[NEW] Widget Organization

[NEW] Updated icon design for the Navigation Menu widget

[NEW] Navigation Menu Widget now includes background color for the standard navigation menu

[NEW] ‘Stick to Top’ option in the Responsive Options section of the Navigation Menu widget pins the widget to the top of the pages when in Responsive Hamburger menu mode

[NEW] You can add a logo directly in to your navigation in the Navigation Menu widget when using Responsive Options

[NEW] Added a link to the Logo image in Responsive Options of the Navigation Menu widget

[NEW] Blog posts can be set as ‘Draft’ so they only publish when you want them to

[NEW] Blog Posts images now have Post Cover Image Options for Full Width and Responsive blogs to set maximum image height and width

[NEW] Use Website Publish Date as Blog Post Date

[NEW] Scale to Fill option added to Image Gallery widget

[NEW] PayPal Widget includes new Image and Description fields

[NEW] Weight options added to the PayPal widget. You can specify kilos or lbs.

[NEW] More descriptive error messages for FTP protocol errors

[NEW] The Insert-> Choose menu option now works in Blog Posts

[NEW] Compatibility with macOS Mojave (10.14)

[NEW] Site Publishing Settings includes an option to automatically include Google Fonts Links from Google’s Servers

[NEW] Paste at mouse location

[IMPROVED] Images should load faster and be sharper, including when used in Image Gallery and Slider widgets

[IMPROVED] Better error messages for publishing issues.

[FIX] Tracking ID in the PayPal widget has been changed to Unique ID

[FIX] Links in the regular Image Gallery widget now work correctly

[FIX] In some instances EverWeb would slow down when layout guides were selected in EverWeb-> Preferences

[FIX] When Auto Save is enabled in EverWeb-> Preferences-> Backup, the File-> Revert to Save menu option is no longer available.

[FIX] Apple Xcode Simulator now works correctly when selected from the File-> Preview menu


How To Update To EverWeb version 2.8

You can easily update to EverWeb version 2.8 by

  1. Launching EverWeb then going to the EverWeb menu at the top of the screen and selecting ‘Check for Update’ or by
  2. Downloading EverWeb from the EverWeb website.

Remember, you won’t lose any previous data when updating since your website project files are stored elsewhere on your computer.

EverWeb version 2.8 is free for EverWeb + Hosting users and EverWeb Standalone users who are within their 1 year of free upgrades and support period.

You can easily check your EverWeb Standalone free upgrade period from EverWeb’s Preferences window or your client area.

If you have passed your one year of free EverWeb upgrades, you can purchase 1 more year of upgrades and support from your client area.

You can easily re-download earlier versions of EverWeb from your client area if you are not ready to purchase an additional year of upgrades and support.

Login to your client area and go to the ‘Manage Product’ page. On the left of this page, select ‘Downloads’ and choose the version of EverWeb that you need, either the OS X 10.6 version, or OS X 10.7 and later, version.


More Information About EverWeb version 2.8

If you need more information about the new version of EverWeb, please check out the following resources:

  • The updated EverWeb website which has up to the moment information in it’s new blogging section
  • New EverWeb videos on YouTube
  • The updated EverWeb User Manual under EverWeb’s Help menu
  • The EverWeb Discussion Forum


If you can’t find what you need, or have any other questions, comments or feedback please let us know. We’re happy to help.


EverWeb version 2.8 Video Walkthrough

Find out more about the new release of EverWeb in our What’s new in EverWeb version 2.8 video.



EverWeb on Social Media

You can also find EverWeb on the following social media platforms:




Twitter handle @ragesw

Introducing EverWeb version 2.5 with 64-Bit Support

Tuesday, October 10th, 2017

EverWeb 2.5 with 64-Bit Support


We’re pleased to announce the immediate availability of EverWeb version 2.5 which now supports 64-Bit computing. Apple recently announced that the recent release of macOS High Sierra would be the last OS version to support 32 bit applications ‘without compromise‘. As Apple moves towards being a 64-Bit only environment it is important that applications, such as EverWeb, move as well so they function properly under future releases of macOS.  In everyday use, you may notice some performance improvements in EverWeb as well as being able. to create larger EverWeb project files than you could before.


EverWeb 2.5 is available in two versions:


OS X 10.6 – 10.8 (32-Bit): Snow Leopard, Lion, Mountain Lion, Mavericks

OS X 10.9 and higher (64-Bit): Mavericks, Yosemite, El Capitan,  Sierra, High Sierra


When updating to EverWeb version 2.5, the update process will automatically download the correct version of EverWeb for you.

In addition to 64-Bit support, EverWeb 2.5 includes the following new and enhanced features…


EverWeb version 2.5 Includes…

[NEW] EverWeb is now 64-Bit which means it can handle even larger websites and perform faster in almost all aspects.

[NEW] Enhanced Preview provides an exact local preview of what you will expect when you publish your website. Widgets that had issues when previewing now preview correctly.

[NEW] RSS caching makes RSS feeds work faster and more reliably on all web hosting platforms and work 100% with EverWeb + Hosting.

[NEW] Facebook Page Timeline widget.

[NEW] Live Photos widget lets you add Live Photos from you iPhone to your website.

[NEW] Rename menu in File menu lets you rename your website, blog posts, pages and assets.

[NEW] Website URL field when Publishing to Folder

[NEW] Control+Click can be used on objects in the Editor Window

[NEW] Revised EverWeb User Manual

[FIX] Character spacing field in the Inspector tab now works properly

[FIX] Opacity settings and animation settings work properly when used together on a shape

[FIX] Fixed a crash that could happen when working on multiple projects

[FIX] Spelling mistake in the German version of EverWeb

[FIX] Fixed a bug with animations and the latest version of Chrome

[FIX] Email messages from the Advanced Contact Form are encoded properly for non-latin based languages so Chinese, Japanese, Russian etc… messages will display properly.

[FIX] Email messages from Advanced Contact Form are less likely to be flagged as spam

[FIX] Fixed an issue with FTP publishing when not using FTP over SSL/TLS to publish

[FIX] Fonts used in Contact Form Advanced Widget now display correctly when previewed or published with Firefox



How To Update To EverWeb version 2.5

You can easily update to EverWeb version 2.5 by

  1. Launching EverWeb then going to the EverWeb menu at the top of the screen and selecting ‘Check for Update’ or by
  2. Downloading EverWeb from the EverWeb website.

Remember, you won’t lose any previous data when updating since your website project files are stored elsewhere on your computer.

EverWeb version 2.5 is free for EverWeb + Hosting users and EverWeb Standalone users who are within their 1 year of free upgrades and support period.

You can easily check your EverWeb Standalone free upgrade period from EverWeb’s Preferences window or your client area.

If you have passed your one year of free EverWeb upgrades, you can purchase 1 more year of upgrades and support from your client area.

You can easily re-download earlier versions of EverWeb from your client area if you are not ready to purchase an additional year of upgrades and support.

Login to your client area and go to the ‘Manage Product’ page. On the left of this page, select ‘Downloads’ and choose the version of Everweb that you need, either the OS X 10.6 version,or OS X 10.7 and later, version.


More Information About EverWeb version 2.5

If you need more information about EverWeb version 2.5 please check out the following resources:

  • The updated EverWeb website which has up to the moment information in it’s new blogging section
  • New EverWeb videos on YouTube
  • The updated EverWeb User Manual under EverWeb’s Help menu
  • The EverWeb Discussion Forum


If you can’t find what you need, or have any other questions, comments or feedback please let us know. We’re happy to help.


EverWeb on Social Media

You can also find EverWeb on the following social media platforms:





Twitter handle @ragesw

Beautiful Yosemite (10.10) Released By Apple

Friday, October 17th, 2014

EverWeb Is Compatible With Yosemite!

Yesterday marked the official launch of Yosemite, Apple’s latest update to the OS X operating system. We are proud to announce that EverWeb is compatible with Yosemite, so for those of you wondering if you can install the update and still use EverWeb, the answer is yes! The latest official release of EverWeb is version 1.6 so make sure that is the current version on your computer.

Yosemite brings some exciting new changes to your Mac, and that means that EverWeb will bring some new changes as well. The next version of EverWeb (1.7) will be even better and include many changes that gives the app a beautiful Yosemite look. Keep your eye out for a beta version of 1.7 to be released on our forums within the next little while.

More EverWeb News

Many EverWeb users have submitted their EverWeb made sites to be displayed on the EverWeb website. A lot of you have created some amazing websites and we are very impressed. Check them out and see just how incredible an EverWeb site can be!

As a reminder, any standalone users wishing to upgrade to an EverWeb + Hosting plan can do so in their account by going to Services > My Services, and clicking on the arrow next to View Details where you will see the Upgrade link.

Thank you, Steve Jobs.

Thursday, October 6th, 2011

This isn’t a goodbye, but a well deserved Thank You.

Thank you for your ideas. Thank you for your inspiration. Thank you for the positive influence you have had on all of us here.

Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish.

Apple Updates iWeb To Version 3.0.3

Wednesday, February 16th, 2011

Although I wouldn’t consider this the iWeb 11 update everyone was waiting for, Apple has released a small update to the web publishing software. iWeb 3.0.3 was released today by Apple. This new version brings minor improvements including;

  • Addresses an issue when using the iSight Movie widget on certain Macs
  • Addresses an issue publishing iWeb sites using FTP
  • Improves compatibility with Mac OS X

Although a minor update, this may indicate that Apple is still working on iWeb and hopefully will release something that we can consider iWeb 11 to go along with the previous iLife updates. iWeb is still not yet available in the Mac App Store.

iLife ’11, Including iWeb ’11, Coming Soon?

Sunday, October 3rd, 2010

Reports of a new version of iLife have been circulating for a few months now. It was first speculated that iLife ’11 would be released in August, then September and now November with a book listing on according to

Whether or not iLife ’11 gets released next month with a new version of iWeb is yet to be known. What we do know is that all of our software will be 100% compatible with the new version of iWeb. The only product that may need an update is iWeb SEO Tool, but it is very unlikely that the new version of iWeb will cause conflicts with it. All of our other software will be fully functional in their current versions when iWeb ’11 is eventually released.

Our speculation for what will come with iWeb ’11 is new templates, twitter integration, updated blogging features and possibly some creative HTML 5 only features. 64-bit versions of all applications is also very likely. An iOS version is also very possible.